Hi, I'm Sammy

Hi, I’m Sammy! I’m a counselling psychologist with a certification as a certified pediatric sleep consultant, and a mama to two wildflowers. I’ve had the opportunity to read all the research about baby and child sleep that I can get my hands on and I’m honored to get to share that research in individualized ways with the families I get to work with.
Responsive sleep training as part of a holistic approach that considered all aspects of my baby’s sleep was life-changing for me (I do not say that for dramatic effect. It really did change my life.). That brought me to incorporating pediatric sleep support into my work as a counselling psychologist. I have a passion for helping families get more sleep, starting with their little ones. With evidence-based information about setting a solid sleep foundation, sleep training, and attachment that I use to provide individualized support tailored to each family’s needs, I can support you in getting more sleep and reaping the benefits of that. I want you all to experience the rest you deserve, and hopefully be able to then enjoy your babies even more than you already do.

More About Me
The research about pediatric sleep, my professional experience, and my personal experience has taught me that making changes around a child’s sleep can be challenging, yes (as change often is), but it can also be so rewarding for children and their parents. These changes can include incorporating sustainable routines around sleep, creating an ideal sleep environment, being mindful of age-appropriate timing for sleep, and/or responsively sleep training to build independent sleep habits. With my own children, once they were sleeping independently and had the other pieces of their sleep puzzles in place (e.g., routines, timing, environment), our relationships really benefitted. Once we were all sleeping better, we were able to enjoy each other so much more.
Sleep training, one of the most talked about ways to make changes to a child’s sleep, has been found over and over again in research to be beneficial to parents and their children in terms of sleep and parental mood, without causing harm (e.g., Bilgen & Wolke, 2020, Gradisar et al., 2016, Hall et al., 2015, Price et al., 2012). (Also did you know that sleep training is NOT just “cry it out”? That is but one method among many, and not one I use with families I support. I choose from over 20 methods based on a family’s needs and preferences.) The research shows sleep training does not cause harm to babies or to the parent-child relationship, including over time (e.g., Bilgin & Wolke, 2020, Hiscock et al., 2007, Price et al., 2012). It also shows sleep deprivation can be harmful to parents (e.g., Lawson et al., 2015, Okun et al., 2018)and that parental wellbeing can contribute to secure attachment for babies (Risi et al., 2021). So if sleep training can improve parental mental health to help them be more attuned to their babies, that can be beneficial to parents and baby!
All that being said, I do not believe everyone needs to sleep train. If what you’re doing around sleep is working for your family, keep doing it! I believe everyone gets to choose what works for them. If what’s been happening around sleep is no longer working for you and you’d like to make changes that mean more sleep for your family, I’m here for you.
If you would like to know more about me and the services I offer, please check out my Sleep Support page to see the support options I offer and see my clinic’s contact information to book a call with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Bilgin, A., & Wolke, D. (2020). Parental use of ‘cry it out’ in infants: no adverse effects on attachment and behavioural development at 18 months. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(11), 1184-1193. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13223
Gradisar, M., Jackson, K., Spurrier, N. J., Gibson, J., Whitham, J., Williams, A. S., Dolby, R. & Kennaway, D. J. (2016). Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics, 137(6). doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-1486
Hall, W. A., Hutton, E., Brant, R. F., Collet, J. P., Gregg, K., Saunders, R., Ipsiroglu, O., Gafni, A., Triolet, K., Tse, L., Bhagat, R., & Wooldridge, J. (2015). A randomized controlled trial of an intervention for infants' behavioral sleep problems. BMC Pediatrics, 15, 181. doi:10.1186/s12887-015-0492-7.
Hiscock, H., Bayer, J., Hamptom, A., Ukoumunne, O. C., & Wake, M. (2007). Long-term mother and child mental health effects of a population-based infant sleep intervention: cluster-randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics, 122(3), 621-627. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-3783.
Lawson, A., Murphy, K. E., Sloan, E., Uleryk, E., & Dalfen, A. (2015). The relationship between sleep and postpartum mental disorders: A systematic review.Journal of Affective Disoirders, 176, 65-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2015.01.017
Okun, M. L., Mancuso, R. A., Hobel, C. J., Dunkel Schetter, C., Coussons, & Read, M. (2018). Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 41(5), 703-710. doi: 10.1007/s10865-018-9950-7
Price, A. M., Wake, M., Ukoumunne, O. C., & Hiscock, H. (2012). Five-year follow-up of harms and benefits of behavioral infant sleep intervention: randomized trial. Pediatrics, 130(4), 643-651.
Risi, A., Pickard, J. A., & Bird, A. L. (2021). The implications of parent mental health and wellbeing for parent-child attachment: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 16(12). https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0260891